A sourcebook summarised a wide range of data relating to the position of women in society.
Source: Sally Dench, Jane Aston, Ceri Evans, Nigel Meager, Matthew Williams and Rebecca Willison, Key Indicators of Women's Position in Britain, Women and Equality Unit/Cabinet Office (020 7273 8880)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf) | Key findings (pdf)
Date: 2002-Nov
Researchers examined the needs, types and structures of voluntary organisations run by and for black women. They found that black women's organisations do not feel sufficiently engaged with local and regional strategic partnership schemes, but that most are ambivalent about the possibility of having equal partnerships with local and central government.
Source: Sonia Davis and Veronica Cooke, Why do Black Women Organise? A comparative analysis of black women s voluntary sector organisations in Britain and their relationship to the state, Policy Studies Institute for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from York Publishing Services Ltd (01904 431213)
Links: JRF Findings 062
Date: 2002-Oct
A new book examined how changing economic, social and political conditions are affecting gender relations, and made recommendations for work with men aimed at addressing poverty and gender inequality issues.
Source: Sandy Ruxton, Men, Masculinities and Poverty in the UK, Oxfam GB (01865 312600)
Links: Oxfam homepage
Date: 2002-Sep
A report said that young women living in rural areas faced poverty, isolation and limited education and job opportunities, but were being overlooked in the current countryside debate.
Source: Beyond the Bus Shelter: Young women's choices and challenges in rural areas, Young Women's Christian Association (01865 304215)
Links: YWCA press release
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/1, Digest 121, paragraph 4.7
Date: 2002-Aug